On this page you can read and download the latest versions of the Cherbourg Primary School policies.
If you would like a paper copy of any of the documents in this section, please contact the school office.
- Accessibility policy.pdf
- Admissions Policy 2025-2026 (2).pdf
- Admissions Policy 2024-2025.pdf
- Anti bullying.pdf
- Behaviour Policy 23 24 Edit 2.pdf
- CCTV Policy.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy .pdf
- Cherbourg ParentCarer Code of Conduct.pdf
- children_with_health_needs_who_cannot_attend_school_-_The_Key.pdf
- Complaints Policy 23.pdf
- Data Protection Policy (including SAR appendix) .pdf
- Data Retention Policy.pdf
- Debt Policy.pdf
- Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2024-25.pdf
- ECT Policy (1).pdf
- Equality Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy 2022.pdf
- Pay Policy 2022.pdf
- Postive Mental Health Policy for Pupils.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Parents and Pupils.pdf
- Remote Learnng Policy.pdf
- School Uniform Policy.pdf
- SEND Policy 24 Updated.pdf
- Wellbeing Policy.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
- Child Protection Policy 2024.pdf
- First aid policy and ra 2024.pdf
- Safeguarding Policy 2024.pdf
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy.pdf