Our Aims
We will work together to enable everyone to succeed
Keeping our core values in mind, our aims are:
To treat all members of our school community equally and respectfully, regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation or gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity.
To ensure that the curriculum is delivered in an enthusiastic, challenging and stimulating way to build on children’s existing strengths and interests.
To deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure the development of the whole child.
To promote learning beyond the boundaries of a classroom.
For assessment to be an integral part of teaching and learning. It needs to have a clear structure and be meaningful to all.
To ensure that expectations of behaviour are high and that reinforcement is positive and consistent throughout the school.
To maintain school’s Golden Time behaviour policy.
To incorporate the UN Rights of the Child in supporting children’s behaviour.
To enrich the curriculum by providing planned and appropriate resources throughout the school.
To maintain an environment where each individual supports, respects and values the efforts of colleagues.
To work effectively as a whole school team.
To give parents the information they need to have high expectations of their child.
To feel involved and valued in their children’s learning by engaging their expertise and experience to benefit the school as a whole.
To value the contribution from home as a key part of a child’s learning.
To provide strategic leadership in our move to become a good and then outstanding school.
To hold the staff accountable in ensuring children achieve and expect the highest standards.
For all members of the school community to create a safe, purposeful, stimulating and welcoming environment which promotes learning for all. For this the children should feel pride and respect for their school and, ultimately, for themselves.
To promote the school’s positive profile within the local community and where possible to use resources within the community to enhance children’s learning.