Early Years
At Cherbourg we aim to provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum which provides every child with rich experiences that reflect the core values and ethos of our school, as well as reflecting the diversity of the world in which we live. Within our curriculum, we recognise that all children are unique and will promote equality by celebrating and welcoming difference and valuing children’s individual needs and approaches to learning. We aim to create a learning environment that builds strong relationships which support, enhance and invite children to be curious, confident and competent learners who flourish regardless of background, circumstance or need.
At Cherbourg our aim is to create independent, enthusiastic learners, who thrive and reach their full potential by following the children’s interests and fascinations. It is our intent that every child who joins us in Year R will be nurtured to enquire, experiment, explore and develop a lifelong love of learning.
Our curriculum follows the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is a document which specifies the requirements for learning and development, outlining the prime and specific areas for learning.
Our knowledge of each child will inform our planning, specifically the enhancements, activities and experiences that we will offer each year, in order to move their learning forward. The use of hook books allow us to maximise on cross curricular links, combine transferable skills and develop a wide-range of vocabulary that underpin children’s learning.
Within our Early Years provision the children will have continual opportunities to play, explore, think critically and be creative both within the classroom and in our outdoor area.
Our children will be well-rounded, confident and happy learners who are able to smoothly transition to Year 1. The effective communication and collaborative approach to learning will ensure the children leave the EYFS with a solid foundation of knowledge, an understanding of the world around them and an eagerness to continue learning. The children at Cherbourg will have a broad repertoire of stories, in which they can refer, as well as the ability to construct and tell their own imaginative stories. This in turn will enable them to be confident communicators in all aspects of their lives. Each of them will be able to collaborate with others, understanding the importance of discussion and debate, valuing others and compromise. The children at Cherbourg will be confident to face challenges, undeterred by its complexity and with the skills to execute a step by step approach towards completion.
At Cherbourg Primary School, phonics is taught through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. Further information about Little Wandle and how you can support your child at home with their reading can be found through clicking the following link.