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Cherbourg Primary School

Cherbourg Primary School

We’re here to learn!

Online Payments

If you would like to pay online for school dinners, Breakfast Club, Bugs Club, Holiday Club, school trips etc, please use the link below.


Please note, you will need to download the SCOPAY app or use the weblink below and register if you haven't already done so. Initially you will need a unique 'link code' for your child, see Miss Fenna in the school office for a letter with the code on.


School dinners - £3.20 per meal

Breakfast Club* - £5 per session

Bugs Club* - £5 (3.15pm-4.20pm), £10.50 there after (3.15pm-5.45pm)

Holiday Club* - £16.50 for a short session (5 hours or less) or £24 for a whole day.

(Holiday Club is open specific dates during the school holidays, see office for a calendar. We are open 8.30am-4.30pm)

School trips - vary, letters will come out for each trip


* Please see the page 'Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club' page for more information on charges.