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Cherbourg Primary School

Cherbourg Primary School

We’re here to learn!

Games & PE

Our P.E. Curriculum aims to engage and inspire all our children to succeed in a range of physical activities. We provide opportunities to help our pupils become physically competent in a way that supports their health and fitness. Through competitive games, gymnastics and dance they develop key skills and competencies. In addition, they are taught how to lead healthy, active lives.


Cherbourg Primary School achieved the Gold Sports Mark from Hampshire School Games for the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 academic year and will continue to strive to achieve Gold each year.


Our lessons are taught by well-trained and knowledgeable staff and aim to be enjoyable, physically demanding, safe and inclusive.


In KS1 the focus is on the children mastering basic movements, balance, agility and co-ordination and applying them in team games, gym and dance. In KS2 they continue to practise their skills whilst collaborating with each other and evaluating their performance, often with the use of ICT.


Children in years 3,4 & 5 will go swimming and the aim is for them to be able to swim 25m competently and confidently and perform safe self-rescues.


We compete regularly in inter school fixtures and competitions and plan a variety of competitive games and activities throughout the year during lunchtimes. Our lunchtime programme provides a wide selection of activities which complement the taught curriculum. We also provide an after school club everyday for years 1-6 including a separate one for girls.