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Cherbourg Primary School

Cherbourg Primary School

We’re here to learn!

Uniform Information

School Uniform (General Uniform)

Wearing school colours gives children a sense of identity with the school, which helps to encourage a community spirit. We expect all children to wear the school uniform and thank parents for supporting this. Our school colours are white and red and we encourage children to wear it as much as possible. All branded clothing can be purchased from Skoolkit. A reminder that red school jumpers, red sweatshirts, red cardigans or red fleeces do not have to have the school logo on and that you can buy plain ones in any major shop on the high street or supermarkets.  Good quality second-hand uniform is also available at school.


If you are unsure of which size to order, or have any questions about school uniform, the school office will be able to help. Please remember that all items must be marked with your child’s name.  Details of the uniform requirements are listed below.


Further information assistance with school uniform costs can be found here.

* Book bags and PE kit bags can be purchased at the School Office.




White shirt, polo shirt or blouse




Red Jumper or Cardigan




Grey or Black Trousers




Grey or Black Skirt




Black School Shoes or plain black trainers (no white or coloured, trims or soles)



  • Sensible hairclips/hairbands may be worn
  • Sensible wrist watches
  • Nail varnish is not permitted
  • Stud earrings and small objects of religious significance only please

P.E. Uniform


As children arrive at school in their PE uniform and will wear it for two days each week, it is very important that children do wear the correct P.E. uniform which is detailed below.


  • plain white t-shirt,
  • red or black shorts,
  • black jogging bottoms or leggings for outdoor winter PE,
  • school jumper or cardigan,
  • plain black trainers or plimsolls